Stapleton Cottage, Stapleton, Dorrington, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 7EQ

Offers around £790,000

Property Overview

  • Stapleton Cottage occupies a delightful edge of hamlet setting with complete privacy
  • Gainful and profitable investment opportunities to expand and create additional private dwellings (subject to planning)
  • Commanding rural views towards the Stretton Hills and surrounding local farmland
  • Versatile country residence has been extended and improved to create deceptively spacious and well proportioned four bedroom detached family accommodation
  • Attractive well maintained grounds extending to in excess of 0.4 of an acre or thereabouts
  • Swimming pool
  • Stapleton Cottage is a gem of a house and viewing is highly recommended
Call our Shrewsbury Office on 01743 357000

Full Property Description:

Stapleton Cottage occupies a delightful edge of hamlet setting with commanding rural views towards the Stretton Hills and surrounding local farmland. This versatile country residence has been extended and improved to create deceptively spacious and well proportioned four bedroom detached family accommodation. There are many quirky and pleasing features throughout including a spacious beamed entrance hallway/office which leads to three large receptions rooms, four good sized bedrooms three of which have en-suite bathrooms, attractive well maintained grounds extending to in excess of 0.4 of an acre or thereabouts with outdoor swimming pool and large detached outbuilding/annex which was granted full planning permission in June 2014 for alterations to the existing building application number 14/02566/FUL and could provide alternative accommodation/annex or holiday investment property/ Airbnb/home office (subject to the necessary planning consents). There is an historic planning permission which has recently lapsed, this had outline planning permission for a detached dwelling - for reference the application number on Shropshire Planning Portal was 19/04907/OUT. There is no reason to suggest this could not be re submitted and granted once again by any discerning/ genuinely interested parties. However, this would be subject to you applying/making your own independent enquiries with Shropshire Planning Department. The nearby village of Dorrington offers a range of local amenities and is well placed for easy access to the A5 linking up to the M54 motorway network, A49 heading towards Church Stretton or the Medieval town Centre of Shrewsbury. Early viewing is recommended by the selling agent.
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