Preparing your house for sale can often present a number of challenges. While arguably properties which are priced correctly are selling quickly, vendors cannot leave it to chance that their sale will be based on a competitive price point alone.
As a leading independent estate agent, Holland Broadbridge imparts its years of experience, to aid house sellers with the initial process of preparing their home for that much-needed sale. Follow our simple five point plan to help boost buyer interest, as first impressions really do count:
1. First Impressions
Step back and look at your home from the exterior, and ask yourself does your home offer ‘kerb appeal’ that stands out from the crowd? Often house buyers will drive-by a property before registering their interest, so ensure you have taken measures to create a positive first impression. Start by tidying up the front garden, pruning plants and getting rid of weeds. Clean up your drive or pathway and think about a lick of paint to spruce up the external paintwork. Ensure windows are gleaming and that door furniture is sparkling. If you can find alternative storage space, hide the wheelie bin discreetly.
2.Clean up the Clutter
Inside your home, you should de-clutter as much as possible but don’t allow the living environment to become too clinical. Viewers are buying into a ‘lifestyle’ and may look for inspiration and ideas to help fire their imagination.
That doesn’t mean they want to see every personal belonging. So start by cleaning, storing and packing so that unsightly paperwork and personal knick-knacks don’t detract from your room space and hamper the viewer’s ability to see past the clutter.
3. General Repairs
Gorgeous homes will quickly look tired and unloved if little attention has been paid to general maintenance work. The simplest of jobs such as replacing light bulbs, cleaning carpets, removing limescale or fixing that leaky tap can be rectified, easily. A quick makeover to dull and patchy paint will instantly refresh your home. Don’t forget wall mounted fixtures, including towel rails and light fittings should be fixed to walls and ceilings, securely.
So make a list of the jobs that need a quick fix and take a trip to the local DIY store.
4. Finishing Touches
Once you have cleaned, fixed, packed and polished add some small touches such as displaying an arrangement of flowers in the living room. Open windows to allow fresh air into your home, and pull back curtains or lift blinds to ensure as much natural light as possible filtrates the interior environment. Finally, during the chillier months you might consider lighting a fire to add warmth and atmosphere to your home.
A little preparation can go a long way, so don’t get caught off guard if a viewer asks some potentially difficult questions. Before you instruct your estate agent to arrange viewings, sit down and go through a list of possible questions.
If you have experienced flooding, for example, research what measures have been implemented to alleviate the problem in the future. Extensions and alternations may be subject to building and planning regulations, so ensure you have supporting documentation to evidence your compliance. Council tax charges, utility providers and energy efficiency are common topics for discussion, although your estate agent will be responsible for preparing an EPC prior to selling your property. Be clear on what responsibilities the new home owner will have. Issues such garden fences, shared access, parking allocation, communal areas and who has responsibility for what, are subjects raised frequently.
Should you require further advice on selling your home or require a free valuation, contact our friendly and professional sales team on 01743 357000 (option 1).