With Easter on the horizon, Holland Broadbridge is encouraging new vendors and landlords to ‘get cracking’ with the marketing of their properties during this peak period in the property marketing calendar.
Celebrating the occasion, Holland Broadbridge is launching an egg-stra special Easter promotion. All new instructions received from 10 March through to 14 April, 2018 will receive a complimentary Easter egg from the team at Holland Broadbridge.
“Traditionally a key selling time for vendors, we are hoping that house owners across Shropshire will look to market their properties and take advantage of the buoyancy in the marketplace, said Gary Holland, partner at Holland Broadbridge.
“As a gesture of thanks, Holland Broadbridge will offer complimentary Easter eggs to all new instructions for both sales and lettings during this promotional period.”
This latest initiative is just part of a series of promotions and events which Holland Broadbridge is organising throughout 2018 to mark its 25th anniversary.