2022 holds many possibilities for UK property, with the long-term forecasts for both sales and rental markets are continuing to make property one of the best long-term investment assets in 2022.
A large number of existing landlords are even expanding their portfolios due to mortgage lenders recently opening up a new swathe of very attractive deals for buy-to-let investors. Despite the recent interest rate increase, there are some incredibly competitive deals around!
The rental market is particularly strong at the moment with more and more prospective tenants joining the search for a property, making life as a landlord easier than ever.
Call our sales team today on 01743 357000 (1) to enquire about the services we offer to our landlords and register your details as a prospective investor.
In the meantime, have a look at our recommended investment properties by clicking the links below:
115 Greenfield Gardens, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2RP
18 Cornmill Square, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2LQ
9 Peace Cottages, Old Coleham, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 7BT